Andy Larmand

  1. Eduporium Featured Educator: Allison Miller

    Eduporium Featured Educator: Allison Miller
    To kick off 2022, we’re hearing from Allison Miller, an assistant principal in the Jackson R2 School District in Jackson, Missouri. Allison has seen students benefit from tech-based learning experiences in a number of ways, including enhanced authenticity, bringing the 4 Cs to life, and many other outcomes. Keep reading to learn more about her efforts!
  2. December EdTech Grant Awarded to Tania Castillo

    December EdTech Grant Awarded to Tania Castillo
    Tania works with students from diverse backgrounds and understands the importance of creating equitable STEM opportunities. This factor certainly weighed into her decision when she was evaluating what to request as part of the award. Ultimately, she decided on Root Robots—largely due to their versatility. Head inside to learn more about her plans.
  3. Dash Robot Simulator + Dash's Neighborhood on iOS Devices

    Dash Robot Simulator + Dash's Neighborhood on iOS Devices
    Back in 2020, the Wonder Workshop team released their virtual Dash Robot environment, which allows students to program an authentic but digital version of the Dash. Typically, students and teachers can access this environment through Class Connect on a computer but there’s also another option for mobile coding—the Blockly iOS app.
  4. Sphero Lesson Ideas: 3 Ways of Coding the Sphero BOLT

    Sphero Lesson Ideas: 3 Ways of Coding the Sphero BOLT
    Coding with Sphero’s BOLT robot is just as exciting and fast-paced as a name with a lightning-quick sound might suggest. There is a lot more, however, to teaching computer science with BOLT than high speeds and flashy looks. Here, you can learn about the different programming modes and how to use them.
  5. Eduporium Weekly | EdTech Use in Early Education

    Eduporium Weekly | EdTech Use in Early Education
    We know that today’s students have grown up using technology and that many of them spend countless hours playing games or streaming video content on a device. Some say this stunts development while others say the stimulation is beneficial. While there is truth to each of these, it’s the educational tools and challenges that are most valuable for children.
  6. Video: Productive Technology—What We Look For

    Video: Productive Technology—What We Look For
    Since our mission is to get every student learning and exploring with technology, we know that we first need to make completely certain that every STEM tool on our store is useful to them. That’s why our team vets everything we recommend to educators, so they know it’s worthwhile for both them and their students as they work to prepare
  7. Tips & Tricks | MakerBot METHOD

    Tips & Tricks | MakerBot METHOD
    Like most 3D printers, the METHOD melts materials and extrudes them onto the build plate in very thin lines, going layer by layer to create the object. The METHOD, specifically, is equipped with a heated build chamber that allows for the printed material to cool slowly—a process known as fused deposition modeling. Head inside to learn more.
  8. Rising Resources | Robotify and Virtual Robots

    Rising Resources | Robotify and Virtual Robots
    Since many students missed out on furthering their computer science development during the pandemic, online coding environments began booming as educators looked for alternative options to ensure they didn’t fully lose the skills they’d developed from previous experiences. One of those online coding tools is Robotify and it’s this week’s Rising Resource!
  9. Eduporium Experiment | VR Expeditions 2.0 App

    Eduporium Experiment | VR Expeditions 2.0 App
    With the Expeditions 2.0 app, students can access extremely high-quality 4K images and, now, they can explore the same high-definition content in video format as well. Built to help make possible what was previously not possible for students to explore (pandemic or not), the Expeditions 2.0 platform works with existing VR content and the RobotLAB systems.
  10. Bare Conductive Electric Paint and MakerEd Opportunities

    Bare Conductive Electric Paint and MakerEd Opportunities
    As we close out 2021, some of the Bare Conductive STEAM products will soon be retired. While it’s sad to see them go, we’re happy to continue offering others to the STEAM and maker communities. Among these continued offerings, you’ll find the classic Electric Paint jar and tube, the Interactive Wall Kit, Touch Board for incorporating sensors, and more.