Andy Larmand

  1. Try The Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, And Gear VR—For FREE

    Try The Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, And Gear VR—For FREE
    We’ve been working hard perfecting our skills, as you can see above, and we’re ready to put on a great event. Come sample some of the best virtual reality headsets, including HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, Samsung Gear VR, and more at our FREE hands-on workshop and networking event! You’ll learn from expert speakers and get to try the headsets.
  2. Eduporium Experiment | View-Master

    Eduporium Experiment | View-Master
    To step into a virtual reality experience is to transport yourself to a whole new world—you can become as small as an atom or fly as far away as the farthest planet in our solar system. We have the technology to literally make the world our oyster. Today, I took a look at one of the VR products we offer
  3. Eduporium Weekly | Artificial Intelligence and Education

    Eduporium Weekly | Artificial Intelligence and Education
    Whether it’s recommending a new show to watch or automatically buying you tickets to see your favorite band, AI is getting scary smart scary fast. It’s even making its way into 21st century education and being used in K-12 schools and higher education across the world. So, what does that mean, how can we prepare, and why is this significant?
  4. March Came In Like A Lion...And Pretty Much Stayed A Lion

    March Came In Like A Lion...And Pretty Much Stayed A Lion
    Besides hosting our own virtual workshop and participating in one regional webinar, we made our way to a handful of amazing conferences all around the Northeast. And, everywhere we went, the enthusiasm we were all met with made all the hard work worth it. Let’s recap it, shall we? Head inside for all the details on these amazing events and
  5. Eduporium Experiment | Ozobot Evo

    Eduporium Experiment | Ozobot Evo
    The original Ozobot has made a huge impact in the field of STEM education with its accessible and intuitive control scheme and the Ozobot team is continually working hard to give students even more ways to learn. The Evo does everything the original Ozobot can do, including following lines of color-coded programming drawn by hand.
  6. Guest Blog: How STEM Skills Can Change A Student’s Future

    Guest Blog: How STEM Skills Can Change A Student’s Future
    As educators, we strive to provide our students with the best foundation for success. But, more importantly, we seek to impart skills that students can tap into throughout their academic and professional careers. The days of rote memorization are long gone. Now, students must learn how to ask the hard questions, solve difficult problems, and be creative.
  7. Student-led Learning Builds Real-world Readiness

    Student-led Learning Builds Real-world Readiness
    Students aren’t always guaranteed success by sporting straight A’s on their report cards—they need authentic experiences with real-world projects, coding, and collaborating. They also need to take charge and lead their own learning—and that is why many school districts are ditching the old ways and focusing more on student-led learning.
  8. FREE Event: VR In Education—A Gamechanger Beyond Games

    FREE Event: VR In Education—A Gamechanger Beyond Games
    The Eduporium team is thrilled to announce the first after-school VR event that lets you learn, play, collaborate, and meet fellow EdTech leaders who are curious about virtual reality’s uses in education. Stop by on your way home after school on Thursday, April 13. Come meet Caitlin Krause, a noted educational industry expert and teacher.
  9. Prepare Your Child for Life...With SAM Labs' Innovative STEM Kits

    Prepare Your Child for Life...With SAM Labs' Innovative STEM Kits
    Your kids can learn key computer science skills. They don’t even need the most expensive equipment. They don’t need to be a genius. All they need is a true love for playtime, a knack for creativity, and one of our NEW SAM Labs kits! Coding is the No. 1 skill today’s kids will need to know, so we’ve added these
  10. Eduporium Experiment | Micro Drone

    Eduporium Experiment | Micro Drone
    As personal drones become more popular, innovators have been working hard on developing new ways to use drone technology. One of the most popular uses for a drone today? A sophisticated, flying camera! That’s just one of the features that the subject of this week’s Eduporium Experiment, the Micro Drone, comes fully equipped with.