Andy Larmand

  1. Eduporium Weekly | Time For The Cambridge Science Festival

    Eduporium Weekly | Time For The Cambridge Science Festival
    You might have heard that our team will be participating in the upcoming Cambridge Science Festival next week and even hosting a few events on Wednesday and Thursday. And, we feel it’s imperative to do what we can so that educators have an idea and an advantage when it comes to how they can create this kind of transformational education
  2. Eduporium Experiment | Makey Makey Pt. 1

    Eduporium Experiment | Makey Makey Pt. 1
    When I first saw the Makey Makey, I didn’t know quite what to expect. It’s supposed to be an extension of my computer’s keyboard and almost anything can be attached to it. I decided to give it a try and test out what this board could do. I followed the instructions in the box. It was daunting just looking at
  3. Eduporium Weekly | National Robotics Week Pt. 2

    Eduporium Weekly | National Robotics Week Pt. 2
    We’re sad that this year’s National Robotics Week celebration is nearing its end but that does not mean that learning with robotics needs to! If you ask us, robotics in every classroom should be a year-round thing—after school and even during the summer—not just one week in April! We’ll try to share some ideas for achieving this and starting up
  4. Eduporium Experiment | Ozobot Bit Pt. 1

    Eduporium Experiment | Ozobot Bit Pt. 1
    As you might have guessed, I was surprised when I learned that its Ozoblockly software could actually command this tiny bot to execute a bunch of different actions on the spot—all the way from swerving to spinning and responding to color-coded cues! Learn how the original Ozobot model set the tone for coding instruction.
  5. Eduporium Weekly | Kicking off National Robotics Week

    Eduporium Weekly | Kicking off National Robotics Week
    Hey, did you hear that this coming week is National Robotics Week!? That’s right—from April 4-12, we’re celebrating the best of robotics in STEM education, from the learning opportunities they provide to the services they help complete! Find out how to make robotics a regular part of your curriculum!
  6. Eduporium Experiment | littleBits Base Kit

    Eduporium Experiment | littleBits Base Kit
    There’s a rising popularity, thanks to the Maker Movement and the increasing importance of STEM education, for educational toys. One of the best for engaging young learners while promoting creativity is littleBits—an electronic version of LEGO. Despite its intimidating appearance, littleBits is actually really simple to use.
  7. Eduporium Weekly | Making Moves

    Eduporium Weekly | Making Moves
    The Maker Movement is incredibly powerful for something that just got its (official) start only a few years back. It’s completely user-driven and becoming a cornerstone for success in the 21st century. MakerEd is a form of STEM Education that combines and embodies the spirit of acquiring necessary knowledge through hands-on trial and error.
  8. Eduporium Weekly | Why Isn't CS For All?

    Eduporium Weekly | Why Isn't CS For All?
    Teaching with technology can be intimidating for some teachers, especially if they are new to it, feel the pressure from society or lack the creative ideas for weaving the products into the curriculum. It’s okay to feel that kind of anxiety though—in fact, it’s perfectly normal! Just remember that there’s no wrong way to explore teaching with technology.
  9. SpatialNote: How Technology Can Make Memorization Natural‏

    SpatialNote: How Technology Can Make Memorization Natural‏
    At Eduporium, we search all over the world to try to locate the most useful, innovative, and exciting new technologies to deliver to the K-12 academic community. If products can boost creativity and spark a new enjoyment of learning, we’ll want to tell you all about them! With that said, let us present SpatialNote, a brand new space-related way to
  10. The New York City Mayor’s Plan To Better Lives Using EdTech

    The New York City Mayor’s Plan To Better Lives Using EdTech
    Mayor de Blasio stated that, in an effort to ensure that every child has the opportunity to develop skills needed not only to succeed in the workforce of the future, but even to enter and succeed within New York City’s rapidly growing technology sector, every school in the city will be required to offer computer science courses to students—regardless of