Anna Orientale

  1. Tips & Tricks | Sphero BOLT Power Packs

    Tips & Tricks | Sphero BOLT Power Packs
    The BOLT Power Pack was adapted from the SPRK+ Power Pack except it now supports charging the Sphero BOLT. It holds 15 BOLTs and is available as an all-inclusive set with robots and accessories (charging cradles/cables, protractors, turbo covers, maze tape rolls, and stickers) and also as an empty pack for those who already have BOLT robots.
  2. Eduporium Featured Educator: Christine Dixon

    Eduporium Featured Educator: Christine Dixon
    Christine works with students at the Double Peak K-8 School in the San Marcos USD in California. As an Innovation TOSA (Teacher on Special Assignment), Christine helps facilitate hands-on learning for her students using robotics, 3D printing, circuitry, and other STEAM tools and she’s always finding new ways to help students build problem-solving skills.
  3. Eduporium Featured Educator: Ashley Townsend

    Eduporium Featured Educator: Ashley Townsend
    Ashley is a K-5 STEM teacher at the Oak Grove Primary School in Prairieville, Louisiana. Using tech tools, like the Makey Makey among others, Ashley has helped create some amazing STEM and real-world learning experiences for her students over the last couple of years and truly empowered them to create some amazing projects!
  4. Eduporium Featured Educator: Michelle Carton

    Eduporium Featured Educator: Michelle Carton
    Michelle works with students in the library at the Tudor Elementary School in Anchorage, Alaska, where she loves using technology with her students. In fact, she uses it so effectively that she’s been named the Library Media Specialist of the year by the TCEA and has a passion for helping students build real-world skills.
  5. Eduporium Featured Educator: Morgan VanClief

    Eduporium Featured Educator: Morgan VanClief
    Our latest Eduporium Featured Educator is Morgan VanClief, a library media specialist who teaches just a couple towns over from our office in Dorchester, MA! Morgan has shared in the success of her students by using various robotics tools to complement learning in the library and introduced them to some creative projects.
  6. Eduporium Featured Educator: Sharon Clark

    Eduporium Featured Educator: Sharon Clark
    We’re ramping up our Eduporium Featured Educator series to share more accomplishments from teachers, librarians, makerspace leaders, and others! For this post, we’re excited to introduce Sharon Clark, whose made great use of technology in her instruction as a STEAM teacher, using it to help teach both real-world and soft skills.
  7. Tips & Tricks | MakeDo's Construction Kits Pt. 2

    Tips & Tricks | MakeDo's Construction Kits Pt. 2
    MakeDo is loved by many and serves as an easy-to-use STEAM tool in and out of the classroom. It is a collection of construction tools, including screws, screwdrivers, and a saw, that students can use for building with cardboard. They’re totally reusable, which often inspires and educates students on the importance of reusing and upcycling while creating.
  8. Tips & Tricks | New Matter's MOD-t (Updated 4/21/2020)

    Tips & Tricks | New Matter's MOD-t (Updated 4/21/2020)
    For a long time, we sold New Matter’s MOD-t 3D printer on our store until that company shut down a few months back. There is one way, however, if you know how to do so, that you could still make use of a MOD-t printer. In this twist on our Tips & Tricks series, we’re going to help break it
  9. Tips & Tricks | VR Learning With The Google Expeditions Apps

    Tips & Tricks | VR Learning With The Google Expeditions Apps
    With schools and non-essential businesses closed in a lot of communities, we’re all grappling with how to keep learning going while practicing social distancing. So, today, we are talking about a free app that can take you to over 900 places right from your living room—the Google Expeditions app. And no, you don’t even need a bulky VR headset to
  10. Tips & Tricks | littleBits Educator Starter Kit

    Tips & Tricks | littleBits Educator Starter Kit
    Since it was released a few months back, we’ve gotten the chance the try out the littleBits Educator Starter Kit, which essentially serves as a trial kit for educators interested in STEAM learning with littleBits. It’s one single littleBits kit and doesn’t include much more than teachers and students need to get started inventing with littleBits.

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