Right now, we have every reason to believe that coding will remain an essential skill for many students going forward. With how the workforce is trending, there's plenty of evidence that STEM jobs will continue to comprise the majority of openings and, with so many already vacant, even more will go unfilled if there aren't enough qualified people to take them. While things have certainly improved, there simply are still not enough qualified STEM graduates to meet demand. So, one of the most talked about solutions is introducing students to STEM in early education. And, though it might seem challenging, the Cubetto Robot is perfect for introducing coding in kindergarten.

These days, popular STEM jobs require applicants to have a number of hard and soft skills. These include high levels of technical competency, problem solving, creative thinking, adaptation, critical thinking, and collaboration among others. One of those “others” and, perhaps one of the most important skills in the 21st century, is coding. Coding is such a huge part of the technology industry and, based on the job landscape, it's not likely to fade as technologies continue to evolve. While earning a degree in a STEM field is challenging, the payoff is often lucrative job opportunities and job security.

The Cubetto Robot in early education.

So, basically, learning coding and other real-world skills often comes down to consistency and there's one area we can usually improve on: introducing kids to purposeful coding early in their lives. These days, children are used to technology and they can often pick up its key functions very quickly. So, it's very much possible to take their interest in technology and harness it in a productive way. Like many other STEM education tools, the Cubetto Robot can help with exactly that. And, their educational bundles also empower early-years students explore coding at home, on the go, or in a preschool classroom.


The Cubetto is a classroom robot for teaching coding basics to children as young as three years old. This engaging tool helps kids understand the very basics of programming as they dictate the robot's movements and direction. With a simple interface and basic inputs students can control using the Cubetto directional blocks, it's incredibly accessible for young kids, including pre-readers in the early grades. They simply insert blocks, which may represent a direction (left, right, forward) or another action, into the control board to create a basic program. They could also include the function block and build another program in the function section of the board so the robot executes that command when it gets to the function block.

the cubetto early education coding robot

Also, its included storybook, maps, and blocks help kids activate their imaginations and boost creative problem solving through play. By introducing only the basic ideas of programming, the Cubetto can keep them interested, engaged, and challenged without confusing or overwhelming them. It’s perfect for mixing meaningful learning and enjoyable play with screenless coding adventures and an age-appropriate introduction to computer science. Check out the offerings from Cubetto we have on our store below.

Cubetto Playset:

As we've said, the Cubetto Playset includes the robot, control board, 16 blocks, a world map, and a story book. Students don't need to download any apps for using the Cubetto and they don't need a device either. They can simply lay out the map (additional maps are also available) and start making programs for their robot.

Classroom Bundle (4 Playsets):

Then, with the Cubetto Classroom Bundle, educators can begin to extend student coding experiences. The Classroom Bundle comes with four Cubetto Playsets (board and robot) and a bunch of logic and directional blocks. Plus, the added Adventure Packs help make group learning in the classroom even more fun and accessible.

the cubetto robot stem bundle

STEM Bundle (8 Playsets):

To take early STEM learning even further, the Cubetto STEM Bundle features twice as many components as the Classroom Bundle. Teachers can get eight Cubetto Playsets, 16 adventure packs, and eight boxes of extra blocks as they enliven early coding adventures and classroom learning.


Cubetto School Bundle (12 Playsets):

Finally, the School Bundle helps educators or directors roll out early coding throughout an entire preschool. With 12 Cubetto playsets, 24 adventure packs, and 12 boxes of extra blocks, students will be able to practice programming as much as they want. And, the variety in Adventure Packs helps give kids a bunch of different environments to explore.

To get started with teaching preschool or kindergarten students the importance of coding and independent problem solving using the Cubetto Robot, click below to visit our store. Don’t forget to sign up for our Educator Discount program as well so you can save on the Cubetto bundles. If you have any questions about the Cubetto Robot or requesting a quote, please contact us anytime. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram for more.