Did you know how viable it is to create a makerspace for kids at your school? And did you know how easy it is? For that reason, educators across the country are beginning to rethink how and what they teach to kids in their K-12 years and many are taking a new approach that includes a much heavier emphasis on
Educators and parents both know that many skills can be lost between June and August if students are “checked out” of school mode. Like at most schools, my administration requires us to assign work for the summer-usually a packet of reading assignments, math problems, and a math project.
In this section you are going to do a questionnaire survey. You can choose a teacher at your school, at least two students who come to school using different methods and two adults in your neighborhood (this may include your parents). Tell them this is about a report you are creating about transportation and your city.
This week, we’ll take a look at teacher-student feedback in the digital age, why it’s ok to fail in a blended learning classroom and how you can create tomorrow’s classroom right now! So, now what do you do? As long as you’ve covered all your bases—from researching your tech to building relationships with your students—you’ll be in pretty good shape.
“Nowadays, I see teachers using technology everyday, from showing YouTube clips of math skills to using CAD programs to teach science and math. I believe that some teachers should consistently be using technology more. This is the generation who grew up with laptops and iPods. Hear more from Earl in this edition of ‘Eduporium Talks.’
Once you have students’ full attention, set clear objectives and frame them in a context that they can understand and, more importantly, identify with. Depending on your preference, this can be done by asking your students to reflect (a ‘why’ question) or challenges for them to chase (an ‘identify’ question). Head inside to learn more about this important area of
Knowing her students needed to be incorporating modern STEM projects into their education, she and her team set out to create the perfect makerspace for all they wanted to accomplish. Officially coined, the “Fab Lab,” Elizabeth’s final product is one that students can use every day—collaboratively or individually—to construct creative projects.
Do you ever sit around and dream up ways for how classrooms can be made more exciting, innovative and useful? Just start a little inquiry, mix in a bit of cool technology and you’ll be on your way to interacting with a room of engaged students! That is the focus of this week’s Eduporium Weekly along with how you can
One thing I struggle with is teaching organic reading and math skills, and how much to teach students to tackle multiple-choice questions. Too often, they can say and write something that shows complete mastery of math and reading, but choose the wrong answer. I’ve found myself far too often telling my students, “One choice is always the ‘gotcha’ choice.
All too often, we place too much emphasis on driving home concepts and confirming student knowledge by administering tests on a regular basis. Is this the best way for kids to learn, though? Traditionally, most education models have revolved around this approach, but in recent years, more and more teachers have been embracing STEM methods.