Eduporium Blog

  1. Eduporium Experiment | Dash Robot From Wonder Workshop

    Eduporium Experiment | Dash Robot From Wonder Workshop
    The Dash Robot is one of the most recognizable and effective STEM tools available to tech educators. Its friendly face, bright blue surface, and value in coding education help make it a go-to option in classrooms, STEM labs, and makerspaces in countless elementary schools. And, with plenty of fun coding features, teacher-friendly resources, and more, it’s easy to see why.
  2. Rising Resources | ClassLink And Single Sign-On

    Rising Resources | ClassLink And Single Sign-On
    ClassLink helps classroom instructors and education administrators at any levels remove some of the problematic accessibility barriers their students might experience when searching for high-quality learning resources. Their platform is used in over 2,200 school systems across all 50 states and can help maximize learning time, simplify rostering, and improve digital access.
  3. Eduporium Weekly | Some Of The Esports Benefits For Students

    Eduporium Weekly | Some Of The Esports Benefits For Students
    Educational leaders can leverage esports to help create lots of worthwhile experiences for students, including on both the social and academic sides of things. Since it’s now a varsity sport in many high schools, students can combine their interests and skills in team-centered competitions, find their place in school communities, and maybe even earn a college scholarship.
  4. Teacher Talk | Robots & Social-Emotional Health

    Teacher Talk | Robots & Social-Emotional Health
    The skills kids acquire through hands-on STEM activities can help prepare them to show resilience or emotional intelligence when they face adversity as well as helping them learn to navigate modern-day challenges. Dr. Pam Davis founded pop-up makerspace company, Wellbotics, and learned this early on. Here, she talks SEL, social justice, embodied learning, and more.
  5. Tips & Tricks | The LulzBot Mini 3D Printer

    Tips & Tricks | The LulzBot Mini 3D Printer
    When unboxing the LulzBot Mini V2, you’ll notice a bright green 3D printed octopus in each box. That’s because the LulzBot team hand tests every 3D printer they manufacture on-site before they ship them. From there, it’s real easy for students to get started thanks to their in-depth LulzLesson project guides and 3D printing platform, which is known as Cura
  6. Guest Blog: Writing & Plagiarism With ChatGPT

    Guest Blog: Writing & Plagiarism With ChatGPT
    With AI tools like ChatGPT expanding in popularity, many teachers are now worried about their potential use as a plagiarism tool. One educator who is keeping an eye on that very issue is Daniel Sabol, a teacher and a librarian who’s passionate about teaching all students to properly use and cite their sources. Here’s his tips for detecting plagiarism with
  7. 5 School Makerspace Products For Students

    5 School Makerspace Products For Students
    While educators won’t necessarily need official curricula or detailed project guides in makerspaces, these suggestions, however, are great examples of unique maker supplies, including different types of 3D printers, coding kits, electronics tools, and design equipment. So, we’re excited to walk through some less common makerspace tools for creating high-quality learning.
  8. Eduporium Experiment | Bee-Bot Emulator

    Eduporium Experiment | Bee-Bot Emulator
    Coding with the Bee-Bot Emulator works just like programming your actual Bee-Bot Robot but is completely separate from the main Bee-Bot app. The digital platform even displays the directional buttons in the same ways and plays the same sounds to help create familiarity and continuity for children. Plus, the emulator is accessible online without downloads or installations.
  9. Rising Resources | How Floreo Can Impact Special Ed With VR

    Rising Resources | How Floreo Can Impact Special Ed With VR
    For Autism Acceptance Month, we are excited to talk about Floreo. The VR lessons in this app can help autistic and neurodiverse students to rehearse before entering new or uncomfortable social situations, prepare for dealing with overstimulating environments, and with navigating unexpected events that occur with lessons from autistic self-advocates and experts in ASD.
  10. Striving For Equality And Starting With Equity In Education

    Striving For Equality And Starting With Equity In Education
    Whether it is recovering from remote learning setbacks, addressing gaps in technology access, or focusing on SEL recovery, things got really tough on many students. Plus, since not all students in all geographical areas and of all socioeconomic backgrounds have access to all the same opportunities, it’s easy to understand that certain achievement gaps will persist.