In the News & Updates section of our blog, you'll find updates on many of the latest STEM developments. These include happenings from the STEM and MakerEd worlds as well as important Eduporium announcements. This is where we'll share updates on product additions, announce the recipients of our monthly educational technology grant, pass on company news, highlight upcoming events, and discuss a whole lot more when it comes to cool topics in STEM education. Beyond our STEAM coverage, we also touch on various elements of 21st century learning. These include remote instruction, special education, social-emotional learning, and equity and diversity. If it's happening in the world of education, we're interested. And, we'll offer our analysis on what's affecting students, teachers, and administrators, attaching our genuine thoughts to keep you updated.
This is an area for us to keep a repository of recent happenings. Whether it's the release of a new type of technology, any additions to an EdTech product line, the arrival of new brands to our store, or some thoughts on the current state of education, there's a good chance you'll find it here. As time has gone on, we've participated in more STEAM and makerspace events. So, we've started to keep curated collections of those experiences. You can find them all throughout the News & Updates category. As Eduporium continues to expand and we get to participate in more STEM education projects with educators in some of the country's biggest school districts, we'll share those stories, too. We hope our collective accomplishments and partnerships with members of the K–12 community inspire others to innovate in new ways!
We had a crowd that was larger than expected at Café Escadrille in Burlington, MA and tons of immersive learning in the form of presentations and virtual exploration. Attendees included educators and industry enthusiasts made up of VR experts and novices who all shared the same passion for exploring this technology.
Many kids these days are happy holding a smartphone in their hands and using their thumbs to navigate a number of screens while opening dozens of apps they may or may not even understand. It’s also become clear that kids love technology. Here are some of the best ways to combine child-friendly play with beneficial technology to get kids excited.
Come learn about this rapidly emerging field of technology and the impact it will have on modern education. You’ll have the chance to try out the HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, Samsung Gear VR, and more, network with some of the top industry leaders, and hear from Caitlin Krause, an expert speaker, on the impact of immersive education in today’s classrooms.
In the past, we could rarely use our digital devices in the classroom. It was commonly believed that they distract students and also disturb a teacher’s work. Now more and more high school and university teachers allow using smartphones in class thus making the process of gaining new knowledge more interesting. How can we use smartphones during class or lectures?
We’ve been working hard perfecting our skills, as you can see above, and we’re ready to put on a great event. Come sample some of the best virtual reality headsets, including HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, Samsung Gear VR, and more at our FREE hands-on workshop and networking event! You’ll learn from expert speakers and get to try the headsets.
Besides hosting our own virtual workshop and participating in one regional webinar, we made our way to a handful of amazing conferences all around the Northeast. And, everywhere we went, the enthusiasm we were all met with made all the hard work worth it. Let’s recap it, shall we? Head inside for all the details on these amazing events and
As educators, we strive to provide our students with the best foundation for success. But, more importantly, we seek to impart skills that students can tap into throughout their academic and professional careers. The days of rote memorization are long gone. Now, students must learn how to ask the hard questions, solve difficult problems, and be creative.
The Eduporium team is thrilled to announce the first after-school VR event that lets you learn, play, collaborate, and meet fellow EdTech leaders who are curious about virtual reality’s uses in education. Stop by on your way home after school on Thursday, April 13. Come meet Caitlin Krause, a noted educational industry expert and teacher.
Your kids can learn key computer science skills. They don’t even need the most expensive equipment. They don’t need to be a genius. All they need is a true love for playtime, a knack for creativity, and one of our NEW SAM Labs kits! Coding is the No. 1 skill today’s kids will need to know, so we’ve added these
We began the month with a table and a constant crowd on Feb. 2 and 3 at Learn Launch’s annual Across Boundaries Conference held at the amazing Hynes Convention Center in Boston. A local organization, Learn Launch is dedicated to expanding Boston’s EdTech ecosystem by connecting many of today’s educators with innovative products and companies (like us)!