The EdTech landscape has evolved so much in the last 10 years alone. As we approach our 10-year anniversary, it's humbling to look back on where we started. We hope educators agree and use these posts as a way of reflecting on progress. You can find some of our archived and miscellaneous posts in this category. While we love keeping K–12 teachers up to date with the latest in STEM education, this section also features some of our original content. Whether it's science experiments, educator interviews, or educational app reviews, you'll find our thoughts on those topics here. Particularly, we're super excited to share some of the ways educators have used technology over time. Plus, you can learn about the role technology has played in certain STEM professions or find some content to make comparisons to today's classrooms.
Stopping to look back on the past is important. So, the posts in this section highlight transformations and progress made when it comes to teaching with technology. Even as little as 10 years ago, educators did not necessarily have the same kinds of EdTech tools they have today. While coding was starting to gain steam, it was still very new. On top of that, 3D printing and virtual reality weren't really even on the radar. We're guessing not many teachers were utilizing drones or laser cutters, either. Now, however, these tools are easier to integrate than before. If you've been teaching in the last 10 years and seen EdTech-fueled transformations, feel free to comment and share your experiences! We would love to hear how the availability of new EdTech solutions has impacted your instruction over the years.
We are taking this app around the track to find out what’s under the hood! We’ll tell you if it’s worth your time, if what we find is any good. Unleash your creativity with Craftsy! Find out how to bring ideas to life and create projects that make you proud. Craftsy has more than 500 online classes in photography, cake
1001 Wonders of the World aims to take you on an adventure! The purpose here is clearly to give you an experience of what it would be like be at each location. It not only features 2000 spectacular images, and interesting information on the most beautiful places on earth but it has the sounds to help capture the feel of
Many elementary students would need to use manipulatives to solve the division problem above, probably by counting out 30 of some object then partitioning them into groups of six. But, how come as an adult, you were able to solve this problem without manipulatives? Is it because you learned math in school without manipulatives?
Let’s celebrate with music today’s super-special π Day that comes around only once a century—if we make sure to use standard American date-writing conventions. While traditionally, π Day is celebrated on 3/14 at 1:59, this year we can celebrate it twice on 3/14/15 at 9:26 AM and 9:26 PM. Head inside for opportunities for students to celebrate on their own.
The sun is a star and gives us heat and light and believe it or not, that heat that comes from the sun is constant and does not change in its intensity. So the same amount of heat that the sun gives in January in Chicago is the same amount of heat as July in Chicago! Yet, we know
DJ-ing is very important to music technology because it is one of the most popular ways of getting different types of music and audio technology to places everyone can see. DJ-ing is different from other sound production in the sense that it is more of putting all the pieces of the puzzle together rather than just engineering one specific piece.
From something as quiet as a whisper, to as loud as a concert; sound is everywhere. As many technologies have advanced our capacity to record and edit video, so have audio technologies advanced as well. News articles are now turning into audio edited podcasts; new tools have been created to modify beats and soundtracks.
As a fourth grade educator, one writing standard in particular stands out to me, Writing Standard Number 6. It states that with support from a teacher, by the end of the year, fourth graders should be able to “1. Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with others.
This is not a law of physics nor of nature but an observation about the rate of advancement in computing. “Moore’s law is the observation that, over the history of computing hardware, the number of transistors on integrated circuits doubles approximately every two years—this roughly translates into the speed of computing doubling every two years.”
Love exploring? Love travelling? Love photography? Love to see new things? Here’s something that combines all of those: Panoramio is a user-generated collection of images superimposed on a world map, powered by Google Earth. If you’re interested in looking at images of a certain place, just move the map over to that place, and zoom in!