
teaching with edtech in the classroom

Educational technology has, of course, completely transformed how today's K-12 students learn. From basic 3D printers and virtual reality systems to simple coding robots and screen-free building tools, countless numbers of educators have been able to affect education for the better and help children develop transferrable skills for the real world. Since EdTech now covers so many areas, however, there often remains a lot for teachers to learn about and explore. Not every technology tool will impact your students in the same ways, nor will they enhance every single lesson. It's more about finding the right solutions for the right situations and building high-quality instruction from there. In this section, we cover everything from specific classroom STEM kits to insights on integrating EdTech tools in teaching. And, we'll continue adding new resources with thoughts on the many branches of the EdTech tree.
EdTech resources are constantly impacting student development and redefining how educators can engage them. Besides those hands-on technologies, digital tools and platforms also play a huge role in learning. From coding or artificial intelligence to social-emotional learning, the instant availability of EdTech resources generates many revolutionary opportunities all throughout the world of K-12 and higher education. When it comes down to it, however, equitable access to technology can be a complete game changer. With these opportunities, students can build the hard and soft skills to navigate our increasingly complex world. And, no matter how complex or simplistic EdTech activities are, they can help catalyze that development. We encourage you to browse the content below and reach out to our team with any questions.

  1. Eduporium Weekly | Addressing Myths About Virtual Reality

    Eduporium Weekly | Addressing Myths About Virtual Reality
    There is a lot of hype, information, pause, and even a bit of action being taken when it comes to virtual reality in education. While it’s true that we do not yet know its complete impact on academic achievement, there are some things we do know about VR’s potential in the classroom. Here are some beliefs about VR and reasons
  2. Rising Resources | Organizing Student Progress with Seesaw

    Rising Resources | Organizing Student Progress with Seesaw
    With ISTE 2019 going on this week, we thought we’d take a closer look at one of today’s most popular classroom tools in Seesaw. Seesaw is essentially an application that allows classroom teachers to gain greater insights and organization when it comes to their students’ progress. It’s also free and a great way for students to demonstrate their learning.
  3. Video: The Role of the 21st Century Teacher

    Video: The Role of the 21st Century Teacher
    Irina Tuule discusses how the role of the teacher has evolved from what it once was to what it has become. Shifts in the resources available to educators and in the ways in which students learn have all prompted necessary changes to the methods educators use to teach. They’re no longer the sage on the stage and they’re typically not
  4. Eduporium Weekly | Talking About Tech Equity

    Eduporium Weekly | Talking About Tech Equity
    In the last few years, more focus has been put on digital or technological equity and a strong push has been made to ensure that every student has access to tech tools that help them grow. This is important not only because technology affords students with enriched opportunities, but it also helps prepare them for a lot of the challenges
  5. Rising Resources | Braingenie in Math Class

    Rising Resources | Braingenie in Math Class
    It seemed fitting to go with Braingenie to coincide with the release of Aladdin—yes, the new one. Although we’re fairly sure it won’t compare to the glory days of Disney movies, it is nevertheless a part of our lives now. Braingenie is an online resource through which math and science teachers can find games and challenges for their students.
  6. Eduporium Weekly | Some Of The Other Brands We Carry

    Eduporium Weekly | Some Of The Other Brands We Carry
    While it’s true that we do consider some EdTech tools to be complete game changers, we truly stand by every item and brand on our store. We often hear from educators who are looking for some of those big names and, while we know they’ll do well with them, we can sometimes tell that maybe another tech tool would also
  7. Eduporium Weekly | Sharing Our Newsletter Content

    Eduporium Weekly | Sharing Our Newsletter Content
    Our twice-weekly newsletter is a great source for educators to subscribe to and a fabulous way for them to learn about many of the advancements in EdTech and additions to our store. There are a variety of topics that enter our subscribers’ inboxes each week, so we thought we’d give you a taste of what you could be accessing as
  8. Video: Strategies for Maximizing Teacher Tech Knowledge

    Video: Strategies for Maximizing Teacher Tech Knowledge
    In the final installment of a short video series, two of our co-founders, Irina and Rick, are back to discuss one of the most important ways in which we help teachers. Since educators often don’t have the time to research and vet every interesting educational technology tool themselves, we’ve made it our mission to do that for them.
  9. Rising Resources | READYAI in Education

    Rising Resources | READYAI in Education
    Artificial intelligence is looking like it will play a much larger role in education—both in terms of enhancing the instruction students receive and in growing into an area of study they’ll want to know about. AI is very powerful technology, but, thanks to resources, like READYAI, it’s not something educators should be terrified of.
  10. Video: The Feedback Loop—EdTech That Works In Education

    Video: The Feedback Loop—EdTech That Works In Education
    At Eduporium, we serve educators in a number of ways. At the top of our list is making sure they have easy access to all the EdTech they need in one place. Since there are hundreds of STEM tools on our store, we welcome feedback from teachers who have used them so we know we’re always getting them the technology