
creating innovative education opportunities for students

  1. Eduporium Weekly | Culturally Responsive Teaching

    Eduporium Weekly | Culturally Responsive Teaching
    We now have so many unique teaching styles and strategies for effectively communicating curricular content to your kids, including teacher-centered, student-centered, self-paced, competency-based, and even inquiry-based models among others. Then, there is culturally responsive teaching, which involves shifting instruction and language for kids from different cultures.
  2. Eduporium Weekly | Teaching Students Career Readiness

    Eduporium Weekly | Teaching Students Career Readiness
    Career readiness can mean any number of different things—especially as it pertains to today’s education landscape. As you know, students may move on to college, attend trade schools, or begin working right after completing high school. Thanks to career and technical education programs, however, many students can learn viable skills and quickly begin a relevant career.
  3. Rising Resources | The Quizlet Live Assessment Game

    Rising Resources | The Quizlet Live Assessment Game
    Quizlet Live is a collaborative classroom game that your students can play together from their own devices. They could use it in the same classrooms or when studying from home—perfect for accommodating review efforts at all different times. To get started with Quizlet Live, teachers can just create a Quizlet account and they’ll get a Quizlet Live code to share
  4. Eduporium Weekly | Figuring Out The Achievement Gap

    Eduporium Weekly | Figuring Out The Achievement Gap
    When we talk about achievement gaps in education, we’re usually referring to measurable variance in achievements among students from different but often inherent groups. These include gaps in grades, attendance, and even soft skills development, and how not having truly equitable opportunities is affecting them. Moving forward, preventing and shrinking said gaps is key.
  5. Rising Resources | Using Do Ink For Classroom Green Screens

    Rising Resources | Using Do Ink For Classroom Green Screens
    After it launched, it did not take long for the Do Ink app to generate interest among creative teenagers, who loved using it for creating all sorts of digital artwork. From there, it permeated the education space when many of them introduced it to their teachers. The rest is history as these Do Ink animation and drawing apps quickly grew
  6. Eduporium Weekly | Giving K–12 Teachers Support In 2023

    Eduporium Weekly | Giving K–12 Teachers Support In 2023
    Providing our teachers adequate support understandably involves different approaches for different situations. As teachers face novel challenges from in-person learning, new technologies, and more, it is essential to give them the tangible help they need to thrive. Self-care, social-emotional strategies, collaboration, and material resources can all help to alleviate their stress.
  7. Guest Blog: Writing & Plagiarism With ChatGPT

    Guest Blog: Writing & Plagiarism With ChatGPT
    With AI tools like ChatGPT expanding in popularity, many teachers are now worried about their potential use as a plagiarism tool. One educator who is keeping an eye on that very issue is Daniel Sabol, a teacher and a librarian who’s passionate about teaching all students to properly use and cite their sources. Here’s his tips for detecting plagiarism with
  8. Eduporium Weekly | Scaffolding Instruction In STEM And Beyond

    Eduporium Weekly | Scaffolding Instruction In STEM And Beyond
    Helping students learn through both independent and guided experiences can enable them to view their education differently. When we use the term ‘scaffolding,’ we’re typically referring to any targeted teaching and learning approaches that gradually evolve and ultimately empower students to lead their own learning, which is very relevant in hands-on STEM experiences.
  9. Eduporium’s Rick Fredkin: Our Black Founder’s Path In STEM

    Eduporium’s Rick Fredkin: Our Black Founder’s Path In STEM
    Eduporium’s co-founder, president, and CEO, Richard Fredkin, never really had what many tech executives would consider as a traditional start in the industry. That’s fine with him, however, since he’s found himself in a place that not too many other Black men have found themselves: in the leading role at a technology company. Learn more about his unique start inside.
  10. Teacher Talk | 5th Grade Science And Math With Lisa Blais

    Teacher Talk | 5th Grade Science And Math With Lisa Blais
    We’re kicking off our new Teacher Talk blog series by sharing this interview with Lisa Blais, a fifth grade science and math teacher in the Boston Public School system. Lisa has plenty of awesome insights on the accessibility of STEAM education, how she enhances activities she uses in her classroom, and how learning in the science subjects can help kids

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