The sun is a star and gives us heat and light and believe it or not, that heat that comes from the sun is constant and does not change in its intensity. So the same amount of heat that the sun gives in January in Chicago is the same amount of heat as July in Chicago! Yet, we know
As a fourth grade educator, one writing standard in particular stands out to me, Writing Standard Number 6. It states that with support from a teacher, by the end of the year, fourth graders should be able to “1. Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with others.
The future classroom will need to be interactive and engaging, which is exactly what Ubi is bringing to the table. All you need is the Ubi software, Windows 8, a Kinect sensor, and a projector. There aren’t many educational Windows 8 touch apps, so I used Bluestacks with the Ubi in order to gain access to the massive Android app
Binky worked very hard over the following weeks, but he could not come up with a new toy. He drew dozens of blueprints, printed 3D models, and even tried to program a video game. All of them were rejected by Poodles the Product Quality Manager Elf. “You need to be more creative!” he scolded.
Elevate’s short, enjoyable mini-games include activities like recalling key elements from conversations and answering true-false questions as quickly as possible. As you play a few of these games each day, the app tracks your progress and creates a personalized workout that adapts as you strengthen key abilities, helping you stay motivated over time.
Math Doodles was designed to provide a place where anyone can discover the joy, wonder, and fun of Mathematics. This version of Math Doodles introduces four challenges plus an additional function sneak peek challenge that will be made available and it’s finished form and a future free update.
The Jumbled Sentences series 1-9 is designed for beginners to improve their writing skills. This app offers students an easy and interactive way for beginners to learn the word order in a fun way. ‘OK’ button allows you to do self-checking on your own and get the correct answer without anyone’s help, building key skills in the process.
Each game is just 60 seconds, so you can pick up Brainbean for a quick brainteaser, or play for an hour or more to really get the most benefits. Brainbean promises to help you be more creative, learn to exercise your cleverness and play with your brain like never before. Learn more about Brainbean inside this post.
Children can enjoy five books for free, while a paid subscription gives them access to hundreds more across fun categories like Awesome People and Animal Kingdom, with recommendations based on their interests. Parents can use the app to promote reading at home, and it offers teachers a vast library, making it easy to align with Common Core.
Brainbean offers eight unique games based on scientific and creative exercises. Four are free for students to play, and four additional ones can be unlocked for just $0.99 each or $2.99 for all four. Each game is just 60 seconds long, so you can pick up Brainbean for a quick brainteaser, or play for an hour or more in the