
creating innovative education opportunities for students

  1. Eduporium Weekly | Successes With Personalized Learning

    Eduporium Weekly | Successes With Personalized Learning
    We understand that it is tremendously difficult for teachers to create custom lessons for each individual student, but we also fear that some students will be left behind if they’re not being taught in a way that works for them. Personalized learning is attainable—so long as educators take some certain steps and go about it in the right way.
  2. Eduporium Weekly | 5 Places to Find us During November

    Eduporium Weekly | 5 Places to Find us During November
    Every week of this past month, we’ve been appearing at events, presenting at others, and I think we even attended one or two as guests. Now that the craziness of October is over, we can relax a bit in November. No, wait. That’s not true. November is going to be just as crazy. Oh well, here’s where you can find
  3. Keeping up With Career and Technical Education

    Keeping up With Career and Technical Education
    Since more school systems are transitioning toward offering some kind of CTE program for students in high school grades, it’s becoming even more important they do this the right way. In many places, career and technical education (CTE) is taking off in colleges and universities, but also coming into play even earlier than that by necessity.
  4. Eduporium Weekly | New Classrooms for a New World

    Eduporium Weekly | New Classrooms for a New World
    Chances are your thoughts of traditional classrooms are different from how contemporary classrooms can—or at least should—be set up. Rows of desks and a chalkboard used to be staples but they don’t help prepare today’s kids for a hands-on future. They need collaboration, interaction, and active learning and it takes a different kind of classroom for this.
  5. Eduporium CEO, Rick Fredkin, on the TeacherCast Podcast

    Eduporium CEO, Rick Fredkin, on the TeacherCast Podcast
    If you’ve never heard TeacherCast, now’s a good time to start. As the summer’s winding down (we’re sorry), it’s time for teachers to start getting ready for the new school year. There may be struggles. There may be kicking and screaming. And, there may be some overwhelmed feelings when it comes to procuring the best tech tools for students.
  6. Differentiated Instruction Makes a Difference

    Differentiated Instruction Makes a Difference
    The fact is that not all students learn in the same ways. Some are visual learners. Others need to hear things multiple times before it sticks. And, still others require a hands-on component so they can learn by doing. There is no wrong way when it comes to students’ learning style preferences and 21st century teachers have taken notice of
  7. We're Giving Away $100 Every Day For A Year—You Can Win!

    We're Giving Away $100 Every Day For A Year—You Can Win!
    This just in…We’re holding a contest and we want YOU to win! Starting on May 1 and continuing every day for one year, we’ll be posting a new trivia question on our website. The first person to submit a correct response is that day’s winner! And the prize? A $100 gift to our EdTech store, which has been made possible
  8. Meeting Educational Needs In the Classroom With the HP ProBook

    Meeting Educational Needs In the Classroom With the HP ProBook
    Designed with all the built-in features students need and strong enough to survive your entire school year, these compact machines can help catalyze collaborative learning in your classrooms and help you create a hassle-free 1:1 program in any grade level. It’s easy to manage, use, and afford as the HP ProBook connects educators to the classroom solutions they need.
  9. Guest Post: 6 Creative Ways To Use Smartphones In Class

    Guest Post: 6 Creative Ways To Use Smartphones In Class
    In the past, we could rarely use our digital devices in the classroom. It was commonly believed that they distract students and also disturb a teacher’s work. Now more and more high school and university teachers allow using smartphones in class thus making the process of gaining new knowledge more interesting. How can we use smartphones during class or lectures?
  10. Eduporium Weekly | Artificial Intelligence and Education

    Eduporium Weekly | Artificial Intelligence and Education
    Whether it’s recommending a new show to watch or automatically buying you tickets to see your favorite band, AI is getting scary smart scary fast. It’s even making its way into 21st century education and being used in K-12 schools and higher education across the world. So, what does that mean, how can we prepare, and why is this significant?