Eduporium Featured Educator

eduporium featured educator blog series

Each month, we highlight a committed member from the educator community. From early education through high school, classroom teachers, librarians, administrators, and makerspace facilitators are, unquestionably, the backbone when it comes to providing students with relevant learning experiences. Especially in creating innovative opportunities with technology, we know that those who prioritize student-centered, inquiry-based, and also collaborative learning are doing all they can for children. For that (and other reasons), we launched our Eduporium Featured Educator series to share some successes educators have had. We also wanted to do all we could to help inspire other educators around the country. Each one plays such a vital role in advancing student outcomes and integrating new technology. Ultimately, we hope this leads to teachers trying some new things in the classroom or makerspace.

If you would like to apply to be featured, you can find the application here. We also encourage teachers to share it with colleagues from their schools or district. It can also be a great resource to share throughout your teacher PLN. We believe that the experiences today's educators create are as unique as the students they serve. Since first publishing this series, we have learned a lot about so many creative, compelling, and successful STEM initiatives and projects. The Eduporium Featured Educators—like all others—certainly display true commitment that's second to none. Most importantly, we know their efforts have helped enhance learning experiences for their students. Whether it's in building technology skills, developing soft skills, or increasing their career readiness, creatively integrating technology is something we very much appreciate. And, we continue looking for success stories to share.

  1. Eduporium Featured Educator: Jen Leban

    Eduporium Featured Educator: Jen Leban
    We have another new educator interview to share with you! This month’s featured educator is Jen Leban, a middle school technology teacher from Illinois who has made use of a number of various technologies to help give her students a meaningful and long-lasting education! Keep reading to learn more about her efforts in STEAM education.
  2. Eduporium Featured Educator: Mary Ledford

    Eduporium Featured Educator: Mary Ledford
    Whether in the classroom or the library, students need hands-on and future-focused learning experiences, which is exactly what this educator tries to deliver to inspire active learning in her students every day! Keep reading to learn more about our latest featured educator and how Mary uses EdTech in the library.
  3. Eduporium Featured Educator: Heather Breton

    Eduporium Featured Educator: Heather Breton
    Welcome to the “Eduporium Featured Educator” interview. Each month, Eduporium highlights the work of an educator who is using EdTech to empower students. We are so excited to share their stories and their work with you! In this month’s profile, we talked to Heather Breton, a second-grade teacher in Rhode Island.
  4. Eduporium Featured Educator: Lacey Tobie

    Eduporium Featured Educator: Lacey Tobie
    Welcome to the Eduporium Featured Educator interview. Each month, Eduporium is highlighting the work of an educator who is using EdTech to empower students. We are so excited to share their stories and their work with you! We hope it will give more educators encouragement to try something new and we’re always looking for more teachers to feature.
  5. Eduporium Featured Educator: Gaby Richard-Harrington

    Eduporium Featured Educator: Gaby Richard-Harrington
    Welcome to the “Eduporium Featured Educator” series! Each month, we are going to be highlighting the work of one dedicated educator who is using EdTech to empower students. We are so excited to share their stories and their work with you! We hope it will give more educators encouragement to try something new!

Items 41 to 45 of 45 total
