Future Ready

teaching future ready skills in the classroom using edtech tools

  1. Eduporium Weekly | Teaching Students Career Readiness

    Eduporium Weekly | Teaching Students Career Readiness
    Career readiness can mean any number of different things—especially as it pertains to today’s education landscape. As you know, students may move on to college, attend trade schools, or begin working right after completing high school. Thanks to career and technical education programs, however, many students can learn viable skills and quickly begin a relevant career.
  2. High School Esports Benefits And Starting An Esports Team

    High School Esports Benefits And Starting An Esports Team
    What started simply as competitions among lifelong gamers has ballooned to this billion-dollar industry with professional video game players squaring off in tournaments around the world, students earning scholarships to play in college, and learning how to make money. Esports has even permeated high schools and it’s providing brand-new opportunities for development.
  3. Eduporium Weekly | Esports And SEL

    Eduporium Weekly | Esports And SEL
    The appeal of esports in education is not declining in all likelihood. Beyond the opportunities esports participation creates for students, they also have new chances to compete, experience being part of a team, and even work on developing genuine career skills. They can also develop soft skills while competing, which commonly accelerates social-emotional development.
  4. Eduporium Weekly | Coding And Robotics For Beginners

    Eduporium Weekly | Coding And Robotics For Beginners
    Coding has become much more prevalent and accessible throughout K–12 education—helping to make it less scary for a lot of students and teachers. Though it has endless applications in today’s professions, learning to code has also probably never been quite as simple. Thanks largely to classroom robots, adults, teens, and children can learn new coding skills every day.
  5. Eduporium Weekly | Some Of The Esports Benefits For Students

    Eduporium Weekly | Some Of The Esports Benefits For Students
    Educational leaders can leverage esports to help create lots of worthwhile experiences for students, including on both the social and academic sides of things. Since it’s now a varsity sport in many high schools, students can combine their interests and skills in team-centered competitions, find their place in school communities, and maybe even earn a college scholarship.
  6. Guest Blog: Writing & Plagiarism With ChatGPT

    Guest Blog: Writing & Plagiarism With ChatGPT
    With AI tools like ChatGPT expanding in popularity, many teachers are now worried about their potential use as a plagiarism tool. One educator who is keeping an eye on that very issue is Daniel Sabol, a teacher and a librarian who’s passionate about teaching all students to properly use and cite their sources. Here’s his tips for detecting plagiarism with
  7. Eduporium’s Rick Fredkin: Our Black Founder’s Path In STEM

    Eduporium’s Rick Fredkin: Our Black Founder’s Path In STEM
    Eduporium’s co-founder, president, and CEO, Richard Fredkin, never really had what many tech executives would consider as a traditional start in the industry. That’s fine with him, however, since he’s found himself in a place that not too many other Black men have found themselves: in the leading role at a technology company. Learn more about his unique start inside.
  8. Integrating An Entrepreneurial Mindset In STEAM Education

    Integrating An Entrepreneurial Mindset In STEAM Education
    Summarized as “a growth-oriented perspective through which individuals promote flexibility, creativity, innovation, and renewal,” the entrepreneurial mindset means believing in the possibility of improvement. While research continues to show benefits associated with this kind of learning, more and more educators are implementing it. But, what exactly does this mean?
  9. Eduporium Weekly | Esports In Education

    Eduporium Weekly | Esports In Education
    Just as they would participate in traditional school sports, like football and basketball, establishing school esports programs has become much more common with students even leading the charges in many cases. Similar to receiving athletic scholarships to play sports in college, students can now also do the same with esports—just one of the benefits it provides. 
  10. Rising Resources | High School Esports League

    Rising Resources | High School Esports League
    So much goes into creating a school esports program, especially if you are trying to quickly start competing against other teams. If you’re interested in jumping in to interscholastic gaming competitions as opposed to students just playing with their classmates, the High School Esports League serves as a great resource for athletic directors, tech directors, and even coaches.

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