
hummingbird robotics kit in STEAM education

  1. Tips & Tricks | The Hummingbird Bit Robotics Kit

    Tips & Tricks | The Hummingbird Bit Robotics Kit
    This flexible robotics system is certainly intuitive for students of all different ages. It’s easy for kids to program in various STEM and computer science projects and it also unlocks tons of creative freedom in both makerspaces and other non-traditional classrooms. Plus, with its micro:bit compatibility, students can add interactive elements to any classroom STEAM project.
  2. BirdBrain Video PD For Teaching Coding With Hummingbird

    BirdBrain Video PD For Teaching Coding With Hummingbird
    With the Hummingbird Bit STEAM kits from BirdBrain, students are able to combine robotics, programming, art and design, and the micro:bit into one valuable learning experience. With the micro:bit board powering their robot builds, elementary and middle school students can get super creative with their design while coding and inventing in the classroom or after school.
  3. Eduporium Experiment | Hummingbird Bit

    Eduporium Experiment | Hummingbird Bit
    By combining the powerful brain of the micro:bit with a flexible robotic core and modular parts, the Hummingbird Bit delivers an educational experience that’s comparable with the most expensive robots available. It’s actually pretty affordable though and offers a whole lot of educational value for students. Keep reading to learn more!
  4. Eduporium Weekly | NEW on the Eduporium Store

    Eduporium Weekly | NEW on the Eduporium Store
    Our online store is always growing and we like to think of it as a one-stop shop for all educational technology needs. Whether it’s early education or high school technology, we regularly add the latest releases or versions of existing EdTech from a lot of the world’s top vendors. We also offer an Educator Discount of up to 20 percent
  5. Eduporium Experiment | Hummingbird Robotics Kits

    Eduporium Experiment | Hummingbird Robotics Kits
    Covering engineering, arts, programming, and robotics, Hummingbird is a true STEAM experience as it combines technology and robotics with artistic creativity. Students use the kit’s components, including LEDs, motors, sensors, servos, and craft materials to build a functional robot that they can program in various languages.

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