
bringing innovation to the classroom using hands-on technology

  1. State of EdTech Report Details Accomplishments and Future

    State of EdTech Report Details Accomplishments and Future
    Earlier this week, EdTech Digest announced its 2020 report on the State of EdTech, which features a comprehensive look at the trends that are popping up most in K-12 educational technology, the EdTech leaders who are making the biggest difference for students, and a look at some of the companies who are leading the way.
  2. Eduporium Weekly | Highlighting Child Inventors to Inspire More

    Eduporium Weekly | Highlighting Child Inventors to Inspire More
    It’s not just seasoned scientists and computer programmers who invent world-changing and human-focused solutions, however. There are plenty of inventive kids and teenagers out there who have made a mark on the world through invention. Kids have actually contributed to key inventions throughout history. So, this week, we’ll discuss some of them.
  3. Rising Resources | Qlone Mobile App

    Rising Resources | Qlone Mobile App
    This week, we decided to explore Qlone, which is more of a mobile learning solution rather than something kids need a desktop or laptop to use. For any students and teachers who are interested in the world of 3D scanning or manufacturing, Qlone is something you might want to check out. Keep reading to learn more!
  4. Eduporium Weekly | Questions About AI in Education

    Eduporium Weekly | Questions About AI in Education
    Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to computer systems that are able to complete tasks that would normally require human intelligence to do. And, education leaders are finding ways—whether popular or not—to bring it into the classroom with the hopes of either maximizing educator efficiency or improving student achievement—or both.
  5. Eduporium Experiment | Kid Spark

    Eduporium Experiment | Kid Spark
    Recently, we’ve been able to learn more about and sample the Kid Spark STEM kits, which, collectively, do a great job of painting a more robust picture of STEM education. With engineering, technology, and even programming at the heart of these kits, they’re a great way to bring STEM into your learning environment!
  6. Eduporium Weekly | Teaching to the Students of Gen Z

    Eduporium Weekly | Teaching to the Students of Gen Z
    Following millennials, Generation Z emerged in the mid-90s and is now getting set to make its mark on the world. Many of them are now in high school (depending on when you define the end of Gen Z), meaning they are preparing for their lives and careers. Like other generations, they are facing some challenges and incredible opportunities.
  7. Eduporium Weekly | Charter Schools and Their Importance

    Eduporium Weekly | Charter Schools and Their Importance
    Charter schools are becoming very popular alternatives among parents across the country. Once thought of as a sure thing, now parents often struggle to get their children enrolled due to the high popularity they’ve generated. It’s easy to see why charter schools have become so popular—these educators are doing great things for kids and offering peace of mind.
  8. Eduporium Weekly | Going Green with STEM This St. Patrick's Day

    Eduporium Weekly | Going Green with STEM This St. Patrick's Day
    We thought ‘Going Green’ and how teachers can lead STEM lessons that help promote environmentalism was a great topic for this week’s post. Not only does environmentalism help preserve our planet, but practice with eco-friendly initiatives can help students build STEM skills they can go on to use in just about any arena later on in life.
  9. Why High School is the Perfect Time for Robotics

    Why High School is the Perfect Time for Robotics
    There’s robotics kits designed for classroom use and then there are the ROBOTIS robotics kits, which are designed for serious learning. What makes them different? Well, they’re not just for breaking the ice and introducing robotics to students while they’re young. Many of the ROBOTIS kits are designed specifically for high school students.
  10. Recapping Boston's Brightest EdTech Event and AASL 2017

    Recapping Boston's Brightest EdTech Event and AASL 2017
    Did you catch us in Boston this past Friday? Or were you lucky enough to be at AASL 2017 in Arizona last weekend? If you were there, hopefully you stopped by to visit us. If not, don’t worry. There will also be plenty more opportunities to see our booth in person the rest of the year. More on that later,

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