
teaching coding with the ozobot robots

  1. Webinar Replay: Coding and SEL with Ozobot Robots

    Webinar Replay: Coding and SEL with Ozobot Robots
    To wrap up our back-to-school STEAM and SEL webinar series, we partnered with our friends from the Ozobot Education team. Led by Melissa Toohey and Tara Reynen, we discussed the importance of CS education, creating SEL connections with the Ozobot Evo, and how the Ozobot Classroom LMS helps simplify coding instruction and prep work.
  2. How STEM Teachers Can 'Rev Up Robotics' in the Classroom

    How STEM Teachers Can 'Rev Up Robotics' in the Classroom
    Jorge Valenzuela has become an influential figure in STEM education with experience in both classroom and online teaching as well as higher education instruction. He worked in the Richmond Public Schools system for 10 years and helped build their Tech Ed program. In recent years, he’s shared his experiences, including in his book!
  3. Eduporium Featured Educator: Michelle Robinson

    Eduporium Featured Educator: Michelle Robinson
    This month, we hear from Michelle Robinson, who’s a library media specialist at the Tackan Elementary School. Michelle has used a bunch of different types of technologies with elementary students in the library. Whether it’s tangible STEM tools or digital creation platforms, Michelle has done a lot to provide students with real-world opportunities.
  4. Eduporium Experiment | Ozobot's Shape Tracer

    Eduporium Experiment | Ozobot's Shape Tracer
    Though it’s ideal, having a physical robot is not always an option for students learning outside of the classroom and that’s why these various virtual resources have become so important. Among those is the Shape Tracer game from Ozobot, a cool, Web-based platform students can use to code a virtual Ozobot right on their screen.
  5. Ozobot Virtual Coding Solutions for Remote and Hybrid

    Ozobot Virtual Coding Solutions for Remote and Hybrid
    In the webinar, a lot is covered and we hope there is some helpful information for what you need when it comes to coding education in remote learning. Thanks to how it’s evolved along with the emergence of the Ozobot Classroom learning management system, teachers and students have been able to continue making use of this STEAM solution.
  6. Here's Our Grant Recipient For August: Carla Neely!

    Here's Our Grant Recipient For August: Carla Neely!
    We’ve transitioned into another new month, and that means we have some news regarding the awarding of our EdTech grant from last month. For this latest award, we’ve presented the grant to Carla Neely, who is a fourth and fifth grade STEM teacher at an all-girls school in Cleveland, Ohio—and she works with a lot of Title I students as
  7. Eduporium Experiment | Ozobot Classroom

    Eduporium Experiment | Ozobot Classroom
    Our friends from the Ozobot team released their highly anticipated Ozobot Classroom learning management system in the last month, providing some new and helpful options for teaching coding with the Ozobot Evo. With this free, web-based platform, any educators with two or more Evo Robots can gain real-time insights that are as exciting to discover as they are valuable.
  8. Eduporium Featured Educator: Kim LeRoy

    Eduporium Featured Educator: Kim LeRoy
    We love being able to share teacher stories with you and hope this series continues to give educators encouragement to try new things! Now, we’re featuring Kim LeRoy, a librarian from New York, who was one of the educators to receive a raffle prize from us in the past year. She has been running makerspace activities for her students with great
  9. Eduporium Weekly | Updates to Key EdTech Items on our Store

    Eduporium Weekly | Updates to Key EdTech Items on our Store
    We know that it’s exciting for educators and tech specialists when they hear about upgrades or new features to some of their favorite STEM tools, so, this week, we’re talking about some of the latest updates to some of the technologies on our store, including a few that have to do with some of our favorite big-name brands.
  10. Eduporium Experiment | Ozobot Evo Classroom Kits

    Eduporium Experiment | Ozobot Evo Classroom Kits
    The Ozobot Evo offers one of the best introductions for young students to learn the foundations of coding without the need for a screen and can help them build towards learning other programming concepts by first mastering block coding. Read on to see how their class packs make it even better.

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