Social–Emotional Learning

social-emotional learning in education

  1. Rising Resources | Quaver Music + SEL

    Rising Resources | Quaver Music + SEL
    Quaver is a tech tool that helps provide students with a more well-rounded education experience (often captured through STEAM learning) with easily accessible tech-based resources. Their team has created a variety of SEL-focused lessons for this important area in today’s instruction and provided a unique way for educators to teach SEL skills through music education.
  2. Eduporium Weekly | SEL In The Classroom

    Eduporium Weekly | SEL In The Classroom
    In addition to key STEM skills that students will likely need, they are going to need strong soft skills, like communication, collaboration, and listening, too. As such, the social-emotional aspect to teaching exposes kids to the process through which they acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for managing emotions and building relationships.
  3. Eduporium Weekly | Teaching Empathy In The Classroom

    Eduporium Weekly | Teaching Empathy In The Classroom
    Particularly since the pandemic started, education leaders and classroom teachers have had to rethink a lot of their instructional strategies. And, one of the biggest focus areas has been around SEL and ensuring all students feel comfortable expressing their thoughts among their peers—something that’s done a lot to bring conversations about empathy into the classroom.
  4. EdTech and Social-Emotional Learning

    EdTech and Social-Emotional Learning
    With SEL practices come opportunities for students to learn some of the most important social-emotional skills, like self-awareness, goal setting, social awareness, and more. And, when teachers can seamlessly add EdTech tools into SEL instruction, they can unlock new sets of benefits and expand the power of SEL when it comes to student development.
  5. Social-Emotional Learning and Addressing Learning Loss

    Social-Emotional Learning and Addressing Learning Loss
    Detailed planning and commitment are essential in managing student learning loss as educators fully understand the pandemic’s impact. Not only are many students experiencing new academic-related gaps, others still need a whole lot of social-emotional support. And, it’s our belief that returning to social-emotional norms will truly help students academically. 
  6. Rising Resources | Mightier SEL For Regulating Emotions

    Rising Resources | Mightier SEL For Regulating Emotions
    Mightier is ideal for students who are between six and 12 years old and it helps them learn to identify why certain behaviors are harmful, how to avoid them, and how to manage their feelings. Children can use Mightier in or out of the classroom and they typically show improvements with emotional behavior and managing reactions within the first three
  7. Eduporium Weekly | Putting SEL Into Practice

    Eduporium Weekly | Putting SEL Into Practice
    Many teachers still hope to recapture normal instructional experiences and many of them have also taken on added responsibilities because of all new vacancies. And, though, in some districts, teachers have some official SEL guidelines to use, there aren’t concrete procedures in play in many others. So, if they choose to commit to SEL, they may be doing it on
  8. The Recipients of Our Learning Loss Recovery Grant

    The Recipients of Our Learning Loss Recovery Grant
    After months of finalizing the structure of the grant opportunity and evaluating deserving applications, we’re pleased to announce that the two recipients are Anne Lotito-Schuh, a librarian from the Robert Frost Middle School in Deer Park, NY, and Margaret Fiorello, a makerspace manager at the Saint William the Abbot School in Seaford, NY!
  9. STEAM and SEL this School Year: Catch the Webinar Replays

    STEAM and SEL this School Year: Catch the Webinar Replays
    Over the last couple months, we’ve teamed up with professionals from some of our top partners to bring educators a webinar series focused on addressing social-emotional learning and STEAM education. Throughout this time, we’ve worked with some great colleagues and, now that it’s wrapped up, we wanted to put all the resources in one place.
  10. Webinar Replay: Coding and SEL with Ozobot Robots

    Webinar Replay: Coding and SEL with Ozobot Robots
    To wrap up our back-to-school STEAM and SEL webinar series, we partnered with our friends from the Ozobot Education team. Led by Melissa Toohey and Tara Reynen, we discussed the importance of CS education, creating SEL connections with the Ozobot Evo, and how the Ozobot Classroom LMS helps simplify coding instruction and prep work.

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