Let’s celebrate with music today’s super-special π Day that comes around only once a century—if we make sure to use standard American date-writing conventions. While traditionally, π Day is celebrated on 3/14 at 1:59, this year we can celebrate it twice on 3/14/15 at 9:26 AM and 9:26 PM. Head inside for opportunities for students to celebrate on their own.
The sun is a star and gives us heat and light and believe it or not, that heat that comes from the sun is constant and does not change in its intensity. So the same amount of heat that the sun gives in January in Chicago is the same amount of heat as July in Chicago! Yet, we know
DJ-ing is very important to music technology because it is one of the most popular ways of getting different types of music and audio technology to places everyone can see. DJ-ing is different from other sound production in the sense that it is more of putting all the pieces of the puzzle together rather than just engineering one specific piece.
They were so engaged by the program (or probably just by the iPads themselves) that they didn’t hear me calling their names. Even after a tap or two on the shoulder, I still couldn’t get their attention. They laughed and said they were like zombies. One student added, “Yeah iPad Zombies.” I think the title is very befitting—here’s why.
Technology really is everywhere, even if sports doesn’t come to mind first as a field with high technology use and implementation. Staff Writer Eli Kell-Abrams writes about a piece of software used to perfect basketball. As our society continues to advance itself technologically, we also see some of these developments in the world of sports.
Sugru is not just a product. It’s a lifestyle. Their philosophy is a simple one: if it’s broken, fix it. If it’s not broken, make it better. Anyone can be a fixer—all they need is the right tool. In case you haven’t noticed yet, Sugru is one of Eduporium’s favorite things. Out of the pack, it feels like sticky play-dough,
The makers of Toontastic is excited to introduce TeleStory, the second app in their “Creative Suite for Kids”. Like Toontastic, TeleStory empowers kids and kids at heart to create and share stories with friends and family around the world. From music videos to epic space battles and thrilling car chases, you’ll have a blast making your own TV shows.
Is your child feeling delighted, astonished or anxious? “Feel Electric!” explores all those emotions and more. As part of the Military Families “Find the Right Word” initiative, this app offers engaging tools that use content and curriculum from The Electric Company to provide opportunities to explore emotional vocabulary and self-expression.
Here at Eduporium, we want to make this year’s Thanksgiving all about STEAM. Science, technology, engineering, art + design, and math: we are constantly reminded of the importance of these subjects for driving forward our nation’s economy. And it got us wondering: what does STEAM really mean for us?
A unique approach to trivia you piece together each question from a selection of phrases and then answer it makes Questimate! a terrific way to embrace facts and figures. With the app’s exuberant, kid-friendly presentation, it’s great for students age 9 and up, but players of all ages will enjoy using their general knowledge to answer questions.