creating STEAM learning opportunities in the classroom

  1. Bare Conductive Electric Paint and MakerEd Opportunities

    Bare Conductive Electric Paint and MakerEd Opportunities
    As we close out 2021, some of the Bare Conductive STEAM products will soon be retired. While it’s sad to see them go, we’re happy to continue offering others to the STEAM and maker communities. Among these continued offerings, you’ll find the classic Electric Paint jar and tube, the Interactive Wall Kit, Touch Board for incorporating sensors, and more.
  2. Rising Resources | Assemblr and AR Creation for Everyone

    Rising Resources | Assemblr and AR Creation for Everyone
    Assemblr is a web-based ecosystem that students can use to discover and display their creative talents by designing interactive content in 3D augmented reality. As AR continues to gain steam when it comes to engaging students and consumers, using Assemblr helps them build an understanding of what this medium is like and why it’s so appealing.
  3. Rising Resources | Tiki-Toki for Student Multimedia Projects

    Rising Resources | Tiki-Toki for Student Multimedia Projects
    While it’s not quite the same as the world-renowned TikTok app, Tiki-Toki, of course, shares a similar name. It’s free to sign up and it takes just a moment for students and teachers to get started. Using its desktop platform, students can create interactive timelines and personalized multimedia content to show their knowledge on key classroom topics.
  4. STEAM and SEL this School Year: Catch the Webinar Replays

    STEAM and SEL this School Year: Catch the Webinar Replays
    Over the last couple months, we’ve teamed up with professionals from some of our top partners to bring educators a webinar series focused on addressing social-emotional learning and STEAM education. Throughout this time, we’ve worked with some great colleagues and, now that it’s wrapped up, we wanted to put all the resources in one place.
  5. Webinar Replay: Coding and SEL with Ozobot Robots

    Webinar Replay: Coding and SEL with Ozobot Robots
    To wrap up our back-to-school STEAM and SEL webinar series, we partnered with our friends from the Ozobot Education team. Led by Melissa Toohey and Tara Reynen, we discussed the importance of CS education, creating SEL connections with the Ozobot Evo, and how the Ozobot Classroom LMS helps simplify coding instruction and prep work.
  6. Eduporium Experiment | Skoog 2.0

    Eduporium Experiment | Skoog 2.0
    Once you get the Skoog powered on, it’s easy to pair it with a device and get started trying the various sounds. The Skoog 2.0 is incredibly unique, offering students the chance to create musical sounds with tactile touch and even try coding and mixing with different mobile apps. Plus, each of its different colored surfaces allow students to create
  7. Tips & Tricks | Matter and Form 3D Scanner

    Tips & Tricks | Matter and Form 3D Scanner
    The Matter and Form is a 3D scanner that quickly measures physical objects and turns them into digital 3D models for fabrication using any 3D printer. It’s laser-based and, when shining its laser at something, it captures thousands of data points from the laser that’s hitting the object, including its surface detail, distance from the camera, texture, and color.
  8. Rising Resources | The Narrator AR Handwriting App

    Rising Resources | The Narrator AR Handwriting App
    Students can use the Narrator AR app on tablets or mobile phones. It’s available on both the iOS app store and Google Play store. Drawing on the power of AR, this tool helps create an engaging experience. When using the Narrator AR app, children see words, letters, and sentences literally jump off the screen and start to recognize the right
  9. Rising Resources | Storybird and Student Storytelling

    Rising Resources | Storybird and Student Storytelling
    An art-inspired platform, Storybird is designed to help students become better writers. One of the most important soft skills in today’s world, we know that communication is key in any future career. Since so much of today’s workforce requires a reliance on digital technologies, it’s easy to see why educators place such an emphasis on writing skills.
  10. Video: Finch 2.0, Hummingbird, and SEL Webinar Replay

    Video: Finch 2.0, Hummingbird, and SEL Webinar Replay
    If you couldn’t make it to the broadcast or want to relive the excellent presentation, the full replay is inside. We’ll cover the highlights, including how the BirdBrain materials align to standards and offer a low floor and high ceiling. As for using the BirdBrain robots in social-emotional learning, there are close connections to the five pillars of SEL.