
helping students prepare for the future

  1. Eduporium Weekly | Figuring Out The Achievement Gap

    Eduporium Weekly | Figuring Out The Achievement Gap
    When we talk about achievement gaps in education, we’re usually referring to measurable variance in achievements among students from different but often inherent groups. These include gaps in grades, attendance, and even soft skills development, and how not having truly equitable opportunities is affecting them. Moving forward, preventing and shrinking said gaps is key.
  2. Gimkit: A Classroom Review Tool With A Game Show Format

    Gimkit: A Classroom Review Tool With A Game Show Format
    Gimkit is an online learning game and review tool that requires students to collaborate in order for them to succeed. With key background knowledge from classroom lessons on the topics they’ll explore, children can progress through these game show-style review experiences while honing some key teamwork and strategizing skills. Read on to learn more about it.
  3. Makerspaces And Mental Health For Students

    Makerspaces And Mental Health For Students
    More than ever before, we’re understanding how makerspace experiences help provide students with emotional benefits in addition to vital academic ones. If today’s students are having any variety of academic, emotional, or any other personal problems, for example, putting them aside and making something is a great way to help them shift their focus and reduce stress.
  4. STEAM Activities For Students With Different Learning Styles

    STEAM Activities For Students With Different Learning Styles
    Today’s four most common learning styles include visual learning, auditory learning, kinesthetic learning, and, finally, reading and writing. Almost all of our students fall into one of these categories and, as you may guess, since it combines hands-on exploring with solving problems, kinesthetic learning is the one that’s most often associated with hands-on STEM education.
  5. Eduporium Weekly | The Growing Importance Of Student Choice

    Eduporium Weekly | The Growing Importance Of Student Choice
    Not every student learns in the same way, has the same skills as each one of their peers, or can find the appeal in all that their teachers want them to try. Age doesn’t matter because all kids have different preferences when it comes to how they learn. Some want to read until they master the content while others have
  6. Eduporium Weekly | Achieving Equity In Instruction

    Eduporium Weekly | Achieving Equity In Instruction
    Ideally, every classroom lesson plan and all learning experiences would be designed to foster greater equity for every student in every school building. The fact is, however, that each student is unique. Some need personalized guidance and others, in the same class, might do better with independent exploration. All, however, need school officials to keep equity in mind.
  7. Eduporium Weekly | Rewards of Cross-Curricular PBL

    Eduporium Weekly | Rewards of Cross-Curricular PBL
    Discovering connections through active experiences is a cornerstone of PBL and helps students establish authentic feelings for their causes. As such, knowing the impact these connections can have on students is key for the educators who are leading them. And, this is especially true when they leverage them across the curriculum to connect different subjects.
  8. Eduporium Weekly | PBL Relationships and Connections

    Eduporium Weekly | PBL Relationships and Connections
    Since they’re so group-oriented, project-based learning experiences truly help students develop more than academic skills. They often learn to build connections with their peers, their communities, their teachers, and their work. And, this also helps students take greater pride in what they’re doing as they realize they can make a difference in their lives and other people’s.
  9. Eduporium Weekly | Some of The Logistics of Self-Paced Learning

    Eduporium Weekly | Some of The Logistics of Self-Paced Learning
    Self-paced learning is a form of differentiated instruction educators can integrate into learning experiences. In self-paced learning, teachers can let students decide how many lessons they need and how much practice to take before determining they’ve mastered something. Head inside for more on the techniques and potential positive outcomes for students.
  10. Eduporium Weekly | Putting SEL Into Practice

    Eduporium Weekly | Putting SEL Into Practice
    Many teachers still hope to recapture normal instructional experiences and many of them have also taken on added responsibilities because of all new vacancies. And, though, in some districts, teachers have some official SEL guidelines to use, there aren’t concrete procedures in play in many others. So, if they choose to commit to SEL, they may be doing it on

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