Besides hosting our own virtual workshop and participating in one regional webinar, we made our way to a handful of amazing conferences all around the Northeast. And, everywhere we went, the enthusiasm we were all met with made all the hard work worth it. Let’s recap it, shall we? Head inside for all the details on these amazing events and
Teachers get a lot of credit for molding Future Ready students, but it’s oftentimes the administrators who work tirelessly to provide teachers with whatever they need to help students excel. The right leadership approach, style, and team can go a long way in creating an innovative school and has an invaluable effect on preparing children for the future.
As Tom Brady looks to win his fifth Super Bowl ring on Sunday in Houston (and who doesn’t want that?), it’s one of the biggest weekends of the year for sports fans. Not to diminish the rest of the calendar, but it’s also big for 21st century education fans. As schools near their 100th day celebrations, we’re also looking towards
In 21st century education, teachers try to prepare students for a world with technology, hands-on work, and the unknown. Most teachers know about the importance of equipping students with the hard and soft skills they will need in the “real world” and it’s usually their lack of strong resources—not their quality of instruction—that interferes with this challenging process.
Okay, it isn’t exactly the same as it always has been, but is today’s teacher PD keeping up with the times, especially when it comes to technology? We expect educators today to be willing to use tech tools to reach and engage each of their students, but how can they do that if they don’t know how to use the
Project-based learning, interactive engagement, and real-life relevance are among some of the most important characteristics that today’s instruction should contain. Teachers know that they need to update their pedagogical styles and approaches to better relate to students and facilitate a true 21st century education. So, here’s how you can do just that.
With the DIY Electro Dough Kit from Technology Will Save Us, children can build craft projects, and add electric elements. Picture being able to shape and create whatever your imagination desires and then really bring it to life by incorporating simplistic, interactive circuits. The Electro Dough Kit helps kids will learn how to place LEDs and buzzers in the path
In this section you are going to do a questionnaire survey. You can choose a teacher at your school, at least two students who come to school using different methods and two adults in your neighborhood (this may include your parents). Tell them this is about a report you are creating about transportation and your city.
This week, we’ll take a look at teacher-student feedback in the digital age, why it’s ok to fail in a blended learning classroom and how you can create tomorrow’s classroom right now! So, now what do you do? As long as you’ve covered all your bases—from researching your tech to building relationships with your students—you’ll be in pretty good shape.
“Nowadays, I see teachers using technology everyday, from showing YouTube clips of math skills to using CAD programs to teach science and math. I believe that some teachers should consistently be using technology more. This is the generation who grew up with laptops and iPods. Hear more from Earl in this edition of ‘Eduporium Talks.’