In the final installment of a short video series, two of our co-founders, Irina and Rick, are back to discuss one of the most important ways in which we help teachers. Since educators often don't have the time to research and vet every interesting educational technology tool themselves, we've made it our mission to do that for them. For us, it's just as important to get technology in the classroom to help start new conversations and ignite new ways of teaching than it is to help students develop new and more future-relevant skills. By leveraging our commitment to educational bundles, we've found success in multiplying the implementation of technology in K-12 classrooms, libraries, and makerspace settings.

Rather than simply selling to educators, we're committed to taking the time to make sure what they're getting is right for what they need. As our founders will tell you, we believe that the most expensive EdTech tool is the one that is never used, which is why we strive to make sure every educator who purchases from us has a simplified way to integrate it into their instruction. Whether they're interested in bundles or standalone items, we're here to answer any questions they have and make the introduction and implementation processes as smooth as possible. To view all of the videos from this series, head to our YouTube channel and be sure to follow us on Twitter and Instagram as well!